What to Do if You’ve Been Bitten by a Potentially Rabid Wild Animal

Recent cases of rabies in South Florida are bringing to light there severityrabies shot of the disease that can, unfortunately, be passed on to humans. The threat of rabies is one of the main reasons why wild animals should never be approached. While the disease isn’t common, you should still take precautionary measures to avoid infection if you are bitten by a wild animal.

People often envision a feral animal like a raccoon when it comes to rabies transmission, but in actuality, it can be just as easily spread by feeding stray cats and other unassuming animals, which is why we cannot urge you enough to avoid contact with wild animals.

After the Bite

In the unfortunate circumstance that an animal bites you, there are some important steps to take to stay safe:

  • Wash the bitten area for 5 to 10 minutes using soap and water
  • Use a clean bandage to cover the bite area
  • Go to the nearest emergency room
  • Have your local animal control authorities track down the wild animal so it can be confined and prevent further spread


When left untreated, rabies is almost always fatal which is why you should be aware of the symptoms so you can seek professional medical assistance before the infection becomes too severe. Many of the symptoms are like that of the flu such as pain, headaches, fatigue, fever, and weakness. There are also others which become much more extreme:

  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Bizarre thoughts
  • Hallucinations

When left unchecked, the infection spreads further throughout the body to impact other parts of the nervous system. This can result in the infected party experiencing double vision, difficulty in moving facial muscles, trouble controlling the diaphragm affecting breathing, and increased saliva production which is the cause of the famous ‘foaming at the mouth.’

Staying Safe

If you are bitten and diagnosed with rabies, you will need to be treated with a series of shots called the rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). You should always express caution when exploring the outdoors and take precaution to keep yourself, as well as your family members and pets safe from rabid animals.

If an animal were to find their way into your home, Critter Control® serving Ft. Lauderdale can assist you with our safe and effective removal methods. We also offer guaranteed exclusion techniques to prevent additional infestations from occurring. Call us today at 954-467-6067 to schedule your free inspection today.