Squirrel Gave Birth in My Attic… Now What?

You may have heard scurrying noises or faint squeaks up in your attic but chose to ignore it for a while. After recognizing this several times, you decide to go check out the situation to find that not only is there a squirrel living up there, but it has recently had a litter of kits.

Squirrel Breeding

This scenario is not as farfetched as it first may seem. The most common squirrel in Florida, the Eastern Gray squirrel, can breed twice a year and has a gestation period of 44 days, and can have anywhere from 1-8 kits in a litter. That is a relatively short period of time for reproduction, and you may not realize that a squirrel is living in your house for a couple of weeks or more.

Squirrel Nests

Eastern Gray Squirrels typically build nests during the breeding season. Squirrel nests are typically built high between strong tree branches, inside tree cavities, or near the base of tree trunks.

Your house is the perfect place for a squirrel to give birth and raise its young. It is much safer and more secure than any nest they could make in the wild. Larger predators can’t hunt them if they are hiding in your attic. Food is readily available around your house, especially if you live in a suburban or wooded area. It makes sense why a squirrel would seek out the fortress that is your attic to protect its litter and itself.

Once inside your home, common nesting areas include chimneys, attics, and wall cavities. A squirrel infestation is a threat to the structural integrity of your property. Squirrel nests and gnawed electrical wiring present a fire hazard. In addition to causing building damage, squirrels are capable of spreading disease through their waste.

What Does a Squirrel Nest Look Like?

squirrel nest in attic

A squirrel’s nest looks like a large clump of twigs and leaves. The interior is hollow and measures eight inches in diameter on average. Nesting materials are typically lined with leaves, grass, moss, and shreds of bark. The exterior shell of the nest is woven together with sticks and leaves for insulation.

Getting Rid of Squirrels

If a squirrel has built a nest in your home, you need to remove the squirrel and its nest. Clearly, these animals should not be in your house, but what do you do with them?

Squirrel kits should not be separated from their mother because they can’t survive on their own. The best way to make sure they get out of your house is to trap them and seal up any access points they could have made into your attic. Because there are babies involved, it makes the process a little bit trickier. Calling a professional like those at Critter Control® serving Ft. Lauderdale is your best bet for humane squirrel removal. Once all squirrels are gone, clean-up and nest removal can be accomplished.

Expert Assistance

The professionals at Critter Control® are the industry leaders in pest control and animal removal services with over 130 locations across North America. We care about treating all wildlife as humanely as possible, so we have developed CritterSafe solutions to protect your home and the animals throughout the removal process. Call us today for a fast and free estimate at 954-467-6067.