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Raccoons in the Attic

Raccoons in the Attic

Just because they’re bigger than rats and mice doesn’t mean they can’t get into your home. Raccoons can fit through small holes in your soffits. Once inside, they won’t waste any time making your attic their home. This typically involves ripping up any materials they can find, including insulation and other parts of your home, to make their nests.

Know the Signs
To help prevent major damages in your home, early detection of an infestation is critical. There are a few tell-tale signs that you could have raccoons in your attic. While rats and mice will make scurrying noises, raccoons make much louder thumping noises that are easily detectable, especially at night when they are most active. Raccoons also make loud purring noises, and their babies will make distinct crying sounds.
Additionally, feces and urine around your home, stains on the ceiling, or damage to your attic’s interior are all signs you could have raccoons in your home.
What’s the Damage?
Letting raccoons live in your home for an extended period, whether you are aware of it or not, can lead to problems like:
• Severe damage to the interior of your home
• Fire hazards due to the chewing of electrical wires
• Disease ridden air due to their waste

If you see raccoons wandering around your home or in your attic, it might be tempting for you to try and get them out on your own. However, raccoons can become very vicious and lash out when they feel as though they are in danger. This can be dangerous as raccoons can carry many harmful diseases, like rabies. If you suspect you have raccoons in your home, call Critter Control® serving Ft. Lauderdale. Our technicians specialize in removing dangerous critters like raccoons in the safest and most efficient way possible, and will clean up the damages they may have left. For more information, or to schedule your free consultation, call us today at 954-504-6467.